Humidity Regulation in Cob Buildings

Humidity Regulation in Cob Buildings

I keep getting a lot of questions about humidity issues with cob buildings. So I want to speak a bit more on this topic with you today. Keeping a balanced level of indoor humidity is important to maintaining a healthy living environment and preventing mold and fungus...
Building a Cob House – Your Checklist for Success

Building a Cob House – Your Checklist for Success

Building a home is a major undertaking that will cost you a lot of money and time. It can be like putting together a large three dimensional puzzle that must also be able to interact with the environment and the conditions around it. Building a home is also a lot of...
“Dirt Cheap” Cob Homes

“Dirt Cheap” Cob Homes

I have a lot of people ask me… “How much does a cob home cost?” Or… “I heard cob homes are really cheap to build. How much does it cost per square foot?” These are good questions to ask, but they’re very broad and can’t really be answered in a general sense. The cost...